Kazickas Family Foundation Acknowledged at Global Lithuanian Awards

Global Lithuanian Awards acknowledge and reward the remarkable achievements of Lithuanian diaspora professionals and their contribution to the economy, science, and culture of Lithuania as well as its global standing.

It is an honor that amongst all the remarkable recipients The Kazickas Family Foundation – Kazickų Šeimos Fondas was acknowledged For Educating the Talent of Global Lithuanian Youth. The award was presented by First Lady Diana Nausėdienė.

The KFF community is proud to build bridges between Lithuania and the world. Our sincere Thank you to ALL partners in Lithuania and all over the world that contributes to our vision: Lithuanian diaspora communities, Lithuanian heritage schools, organizers of cultural camps, song and dance festivals, as well as to the people, companies, and organizations in Lithuania that welcome Lithuanian diaspora youth and provide them with the opportunity to discover a modern country and establish an authentic connection with their ancestral homeland.

KFF Pagerbtas Pasauliniuose Lietuvos Apdovanojimuose

The award was presented to Agne Vertelkaite, Vilnius Office Director, and Kamilė Perminė, Head of Communications.

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