Literacy Award in Memory of Alexandra Kelavenaite-Kazickas and Her Dear Teacher Linguist Petras Butenas

On June 18th, an award in memory of Alexandra Kelavenaite-Kazickas and her dear teacher linguist Petras Butenas was presented to Prof Dr. Habil Evalda Jakaitiene at the St. John’s church in Vilnius.

Įteikta Mecenatės Aleksandros Kalvėnaitės-Kazickienės Ir Jos Mokytojo Kalbininko Petro Būtėno Atminimo Premija

The laureate and her work were presented by prof. Dr. Habil Bonifacas Stundžia. The event was hosted by Dr. Aurelija Gritėnienė, Secretary of the Commission, congratulatory speech was given by Neila Baumiliene, the director of the KFF office in New York, as well as the event was enriched with organ music by Prof. Renata Marcinkutė-Lesieur. Before the event, the St. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Vidmantas Šimkūnas SJ.

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