The Opening Ceremony of the Bring Together Lithuania 2024 program

The Bring Together Lithuania 2024 summer internship and modern Lithuania program for the Lithuanian diaspora was officially launched at the Kazickas Family Residence.
Programos „Bring Together Lithuania 2024“ Atidarymo Šventė
During the event, participants watched an inspiring video about Dr. Joseph P. Kazickas, highlighting his legacy and contributions to Lithuania. This set a reflective tone for the program, emphasizing the importance of connecting with one’s heritage and contributing to the homeland. Domantė Greifenbergerytė, Director of the KFF Vilnius office, and Kamilė Perminė, the Program Director, delivered opening remarks to welcome the participants.
The event marked the beginning of the 7th generation of this program! Over the next 6 weeks, participants will engage in an immersive experience exploring modern Lithuania, including internships at leading companies and organizations, inspiring meetings with Lithuanian leaders, visits to governmental organizations, and exposure to the cultural aspects of the country.
The program has been initiated and sponsored by the KFF since 2018. It aims to provide youth of the Lithuanian diaspora with opportunities to gain professional skills, connect with global Lithuanians, explore their heritage country, and become young ambassadors of Lithuania.
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