Sakralinės Muzikos Valandos: In Memoriam Aleksandrai Ir Juozui Kazickams

Sacred Music Hours: In Memoriam Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickas

Sacred Music Hours: In Memoriam Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickas

On August 15th, the special concert to celebrate the Kazickas’ marriage anniversary will be held at the St. Casimirs Church in Vilnius.

The Kazickas Family Sacred Music Hours in memoriam Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickai.

Sakralinės Muzikos Valandos: In Memoriam Aleksandrai Ir Juozui Kazickams
Eighty years ago, on 15 August, Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickas were married in Vilnius, at St. Nicholas Church. They enjoyed 70 years of married life until Aleksandra’s death in 2011. The Sacred Music Hours program every year includes a special event to celebrate the Kazickas’ marriage anniversary.
On August 15th, the special concert will host organist Karolina Juodelytė and trumpet player Tomas Medina.

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Bring together Lithuania 2023

Bring Together Lithuania 2023

Bring Together Lithuania 2023

This summer Lithuanian diaspora youth had a chance to rediscover modern Lithuania, learn more about its history and culture, and get to know the Lithuanian business world and career opportunities. Most importantly, the unique experience with the “Bring Together Lithuania” program encouraged youth to become young Ambassadors of Lithuania.

For the sixth time in a row „Bring Together Lithuania“, together with the Kazickas Family Foundation, invited Lithuanian diaspora youth to Lithuania for summer internships, so they could gain professional experience, discover modern Lithuania and become young  Ambassadors of Lithuania.

“We believe that if we want to raise young Lithuanian Ambassadors, active global Lithuanians, we must offer them an opportunity to experience modern, innovative Lithuania. The goal of the leadership program “Bring Together Lithuania” is to provide the youth of Lithuanian descent professional experience and to show them modern Lithuania. They are offered opportunities to do internships with leading Lithuanian businesses, the government sector, non-government organizations, and innovative startups. Additionally, there is an active schedule planned for the students – unique opportunities to discover today’s Lithuania, travel to the most beautiful sights, meet business and public sector leaders, explore Lithuanian identity, and encourage them to contribute to Lithuania’s future with their own ideas,” program’s founder and director Kamile Permine shared its vision.

Bring together Lithuania 2023

The 17 participants from the US, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, the Netherlands and New Zealand interned at leading Lithuanian and global companies for at least 6 weeks and traveled the country to familiarize themselves with modern Lithuania, its business scene, and its cultural landscape.

“Bring Together Lithuania“ participants got opportunities to do their internships related to their studies with various organizations and businesses, such as: Baltic Environmental Forum, Bored Panda, Caritas „Vilties angelas“, DIO startup, Kongsberg Nano Avionics, Nord Security, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Skyllence, Avia Solutions Group, Staticus, Transparency International Lithuania, Perlukas, Unnecessary films, Vilnius University Life Sciences Center.

Created as a program to draw Lithuanian youth diaspora to visit their ancestors’ country, “Bring Together Lithuania” aims to provide Lithuanian diaspora youth with opportunities to acquire professional skills, meet global Lithuanians and explore the countryside. Since its establishment, the initiative has grown its’ partners immensely and expanded its outreach to a broader network of the Lithuanian diaspora.

Bring together Lithuania 2023

“The Kazickas Family Foundation is a proud supporter of Bring Together Lithuania, a summer internship program for youth of Lithuanian heritage. We feel it is important for young people to visit the land of their ancestors, have an opportunity to interact with those of their own age, and most importantly, engage in worthwhile programs that expand their knowledge and experience”, – Jūratė Kazickaitė, the President of the KFF.

The program, initiated and powered by the Kazickas Family Foundation, is in its sixth successful year already. It is also supported by the Lithuanian Foundation in the US, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Lietuvos Valstybės – Mindaugo Karūnavimo Diena

The Statehood Day of Lithuania

The Statehood Day of Lithuania

Peter Kazickas and his fiancée Aluna visited Lithuania on the occasion of the State of Lithuania Day – the Coronation of King Mindaugas and the National Anthem Day.
On the Coronation Day of King Mindaugas, President Gitanas Nausėda and First Lady Diana Nausėdienė hosted a celebratory reception at the Presidential Palace, where representatives of the Kazickas Family Foundation, together with politicians, public figures, artists, businessmen, representatives of various organizations and foreign diplomats residing in Lithuania, took part in the event.
Lietuvos Valstybės – Mindaugo Karūnavimo Diena

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Jūratė Kazickaitė: Tėvų Pamokos Ir Filantropija Lietuvoje

Jurate Kazickaite: Philanthropy is more than donating money

Jurate Kazickaite: Philanthropy is More than Donating Money

In preparation for the annual conference of the National Library’s Adolfas Damusis Centre for the Study of Democracy “The Anatomy of Generosity: the Tradition of Philanthropy in Lithuania and the Diaspora”, Dr Ilona Strumickienė’s interviewed the President of the Kazickas Family Foundation, Jūrate Kazickaite.

Jūratė Kazickaitė: Tėvų Pamokos Ir Filantropija Lietuvoje

In preparation for the annual conference of the National Library’s Adolfas Damusis Centre for the Study of Democracy “The Anatomy of Generosity: the Tradition of Philanthropy in Lithuania and the Diaspora”, Dr Ilona Strumickienė’s interviewed the President of the Kazickas Family Foundation, Jūrate Kazickaite.

Listen to an interview:


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Įteikta Mecenatės Aleksandros Kalvėnaitės-Kazickienės Ir Jos Mokytojo Kalbininko Petro Būtėno Atminimo Premija

Literacy award in memory of Alexandra Kelavenaite-Kazickas and her dear teacher linguist Petras Butenas

Literacy Award in Memory of Alexandra Kelavenaite-Kazickas and Her Dear Teacher Linguist Petras Butenas

On June 18th, an award in memory of Alexandra Kelavenaite-Kazickas and her dear teacher linguist Petras Butenas was presented to Prof Dr. Habil Evalda Jakaitiene at the St. John’s church in Vilnius.

Įteikta Mecenatės Aleksandros Kalvėnaitės-Kazickienės Ir Jos Mokytojo Kalbininko Petro Būtėno Atminimo Premija

The laureate and her work were presented by prof. Dr. Habil Bonifacas Stundžia. The event was hosted by Dr. Aurelija Gritėnienė, Secretary of the Commission, congratulatory speech was given by Neila Baumiliene, the director of the KFF office in New York, as well as the event was enriched with organ music by Prof. Renata Marcinkutė-Lesieur. Before the event, the St. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Vidmantas Šimkūnas SJ.

Literacy award in memory of Alexandra Kelavenaite-Kazickas and her dear teacher linguist Petras Butenas Read More »

Bring Together Lithuania 2023 Atidarymo Renginys

The Opening Ceremony of the Bring Together Lithuania 2023 program

The Opening Ceremony of the Bring Together Lithuania 2023 Program

Bring Together Lithuania 2023 – summer internship and modern Lithuania program for youth of Lithuanian heritage – was officially launched at the Kazickas Family Residence, in Vilnius.

Bring Together Lithuania 2023 Atidarymo Renginys

Inspiring welcome words were given by the director of the Kazickas Family Foundation in New York Neila Baumiliene, the director in Vilnius Agne Vertelkaite, and program director Kamilė Perminė.

The event marked the beginning of the 6th generation of this program! The ceremony served as a starting point for a 6-week summer immersion experience for the Lithuanian diaspora youth to explore the modern country, local and global companies residing in Lithuania, governmental organizations, and the cultural dimension of the country. Welcome to Lithuania!
The program is initiated and sponsored by the Kazickas Family Foundation since 2018. The main goal of the internship program is to provide Lithuanian diaspora youth with opportunities to acquire professional skills, meet global Lithuanians, explore their heritage country, and become young ambassadors of Lithuania.
It is also sponsored by the Lithuanian Foundation, the Ministry of Economy and Innovations, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Labdaros Renginys "Būkime Kartu 2023"

The charity event “Let’s Be Together 2023”

The charity event "Let's Be Together 2023"

For 20 years, the International Vilnius Club has had a tradition to organize the charity event “Let’s Be Together 2023” – one of the largest such events in Lithuania.

Labdaros Renginys "Būkime Kartu 2023"
The Kazickas Family Foundation contributed to this year’s event, as well as the project coordinator Domantė Greifenbergerytė joined the volunteers.
Around 150 young people from foster homes and other institutions attended the event, including around 40 young people from Ukraine. They spent an unforgettable-educational day together taking part in various activities: playing volleyball, trying out aikido and kendo martial arts, learning about the subtleties of the work of police officers and firefighters, overcoming an obstacle course, admiring the performance of police cynologists and service dogs, interacting with NATO troops, and many other activities.

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Pirmoji ponia: Kazickų šeimos fondo veikla – pavyzdys visiems lietuviams

First lady: The work of the Kazickas Family Foundation is an Example for all Lithuanians

First lady: The work of the Kazickas Family Foundation is an Example for all Lithuanians

First Lady Diana Nausėdienė met with Jūratė Kazickaitė, the president of the Kazickas Family Foundation and Vilnius Office team – Director Agnė Vertelkaitė and Communications Director Kamilė Perminė.

Pirmoji ponia: Kazickų šeimos fondo veikla – pavyzdys visiems lietuviams

The First Lady congratulated the guests on the 25th anniversary of the Kazickas Family Foundation and thanked Jūratė for her continuous support of educational, social, health and cultural programmes in Lithuania and abroad, support of young people in the regions of Lithuania and her attention to Lithuanian education.

“The Foundation’s work is an example for all Lithuanians, regardless of where they live – in Lithuania or abroad. The consistent and active work, supporting the promotion of Lithuanian identity, the development of patriotic and Lithuania-loving young people and the strengthening of the Lithuanian state are of great importance and clearly visible to all of us. You lay a strong foundation for the love of the homeland, for the promotion of Lithuanian identity, for humanistic ideas and for the future,” said Nausėdienė.

The First Lady pointed out that she particularly appreciates the Foundation’s attention to the education of the younger generation of Lithuanians in Lithuania and abroad, and the support it provides for the needs of Lithuanian diaspora education: the publication of textbooks, Lithuanian language proficiency exams, summer camps for youth and children of the diaspora, song and dance festivals, etc.

“I am delighted for your attention to the education of children and young people, in which you have invested since the establishment of the Foundation. You are making a significant contribution to the education of young people growing up in Lithuania by improving their knowledge in the field of technology, funding their participation in international exchange programs, and supporting academic activities at the best universities in the world. In this way, among other things, the awareness and citizenship of the young generation are promoted and human values are taught. This is extremely important,” stressed the First Lady.

Diana Nausėdienė and Jūratė Kazickaitė discussed the activities of the Ukrainian Centre in Vilnius, the needs of Ukrainians living in Lithuania, the guarantees provided by Lithuania, the possibilities of integration into the labor market and the process of children’s education. The First Lady thanked Mrs. Kazickas for the assistance provided by the Kazickas Family Foundation since the beginning of the war in Ukraine and for supporting meaningful initiatives of the Ukrainian Centre.

After the meeting, the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded Jūratė Kazickaitė with the Commander’s Cross of the Order “For Merits to Lithuania”. The award was given for her long-standing support of educational, social, cultural and other projects.

The Commander’s Cross of the Order “For Merits to Lithuania” was awarded to J. Kazickaite on the occasion of February 16, the State Restoration Day, when traditionally people are awarded for merits to the Republic of Lithuania and for promoting the name of Lithuania worldwide.

Official press release prepared by the Presidential Communication Team

Translated by the Kazickas Family Foundation Team

Information updated 12.04.2023

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