Sacred Music Hours: In Memoriam Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickas

On August 15th, the special concert to celebrate the Kazickas’ marriage anniversary will be held at the St. Casimirs Church in Vilnius.

The Kazickas Family Sacred Music Hours in memoriam Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickai.

Sakralinės Muzikos Valandos: In Memoriam Aleksandrai Ir Juozui Kazickams
Eighty years ago, on 15 August, Aleksandra and Juozas Kazickas were married in Vilnius, at St. Nicholas Church. They enjoyed 70 years of married life until Aleksandra’s death in 2011. The Sacred Music Hours program every year includes a special event to celebrate the Kazickas’ marriage anniversary.
On August 15th, the special concert will host organist Karolina Juodelytė and trumpet player Tomas Medina.
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