The Literacy Award in Memory of Petras Butenas and his student Alexandra Kazickas
This year, the Literacy Award in Memory of Petras Butenas and his student Alexandra Kazickas has been presented to prof. dr. Giedre Cepaitiene.
On 8 June, Prof. Dr. Giedre Čepaitienė was awarded the Memorial Prize of the linguist Petras Būtėnas and his student Aleksandra Kazickienė at the Pastoral Centre of the Šiauliai Diocese.
The laureate, Ms Cepaitiene, is a philologist, and a prominent organizer of public activities relating to the Lithuanian studies. Some of the most important prof. Dr. Giedre Cepaitiene’s fields of research are ethnolinguistics, pragmatics, subject didactics, dialectology and language history.

The award, established by the KFF and the Lithuanian Language Association, was given to Giedre Cepaitiene for wide-ranging scientific and educational work, research on people that influenced Lithuanian culture and Lithuanian studies, and significant publications and events dedicated to commemorating famous Lithuanians.
The event was opened with a prayer by the Bishop of Šiauliai Eugenijus Bartulis. Prof. Dr. Genovaitė Kačiuškienė and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Regina Kvašytė presented the laureate’s scientific and pedagogical activities, and Kristina Lebedžinskienė spoke about her works dedicated to her native Zanavyk region.
On behalf of the Prize Committee, Prof. Dr. Albinas Drukteinis and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vilma Zubaitienė expressed their congratulations. The greetings sent by the Kazickas Family Foundation on the occasion were read out by Prof. Dr. Bonifacas Stundžia.
The musical performance was given by the Dr. Regina Marozienė and actor Vladas Baranauskas.
Photos by Leonas Nekrašas and Rita Urnėžiūtė.