Our Work

The Kazickas Family’s philanthropy is motivated by our wish to create a better world for both current and future generations of Lithuanians.

The Foundation’s main focus has always been in education, but over the years we have expanded our grant making efforts to include culture and the arts, social welfare, technology and medicine. Most of our grants are for causes in Lithuania and projects related to Lithuania in the United States. However, the KFF has also supported many projects in other countries.

Learn more about the types of projects we support below.

Youth Empowerment & Education

Jaunimo Įgalinimas ir Švietimas

We strongly believe in the limitless potential of every child, and support organizations that directly or indirectly benefit youth in Lithuania and abroad.

By providing resources, mentorship, and opportunities, we seek to empower young individuals to achieve their dreams. Our initiatives focus on education and extracurricular activities, personal development, emotional well-being of children and young adults. Investing in education of young people also was Dr. Joseph Kazickas’s vision when almost 30 years ago he started a partnership with Kaunas University of Technology to empower young talents and help develop their IT skills. Currently, the KFF is part of programs that promote digital literacy, STEM subjects, and innovative learning methods.

Youth focused organizations that we have collaborated with include, but are not limited to Youth Can, Uncommon LT, Alternative Training Centre for Youth of Vilnius Archdiocese Caritas, MO Museum, Smart-ups Network, Vilnius Social Club, youth organization “Kybartu Jaunimas”, Therapeutic Farm “Ugdanciu patirciu namai”, Basketball Power, Sourcery Academy, Girls In Tech, the National Network of Education, the Lithuanian American Youth Association, Supportive Children’s Advocacy Network.

Our partnerships in the education field include universities and other educational institutions (Kaunas Technology University, Vilnius University Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University, the University of Washington at Seattle, Panevezys Vytautas Zemkalnis Gymnasium, Pasvalys’ Petras Vileisis Gymnasium) and a variety of associations and organizations active in the education field in Lithuania and the USA (scholarship organization ASSIST, “Sodziaus meistrai”, Teachers’ Peer Support Circles, the Lithuanian Language Association, Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, Lithuanian Educational Council of the USA, Lithuanian National Foundation “Tautos fondas”, Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies).

Diaspora Engagement

Diasporos įtrauktis

The Kazickas family remembers and cherishes their Lithuanian heritage, and we are committed to fostering strong connections within the Lithuanian diaspora across the globe.

Alexandra Kazickas cared deeply that young people living abroad maintain their Lithuanian identity, therefore, we continue to encourage new diaspora generations to contribute to the continued success of their homeland.

In 2012, the Alexandra Kazickas Grant Programme was launched. KFF finances Lithuanian schools in the USA (Lithuanian Saturday Heritage School, Aleksandra Kazickas Lithuanian School), Lithuanian language exams, and contributes to summer camps (Lithuanian heritage camp “Neringa” in Vermont) for diaspora youth. In addition to the US programs, one of the flagship initiatives that we sponsor in this field is “Bring Together Lithuania” – a 6 week internship program in Lithuania for young diaspora representatives.

Arts & Culture

Menas ir Kultūra

KFF is dedicated to preserving and promoting Lithuanian arts and culture. We join initiatives that celebrate our rich cultural heritage, fostering a sense of cultural community and pride among Lithuanians globally.

Our contributions include the yearly “Kazickas Family Sacred Music Hours” festival which has been organized in memory of Alexandra and Joseph Kazickas for over 20 years. We also support various projects initiated by other organizations in Lithuania and the USA: the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, V.K. Jonynas Art Gallery, State Song and Dance Ensemble “Lietuva”, Lithuanian Choral Ensemble “Dainava”, the Lithuanian Opera Company of Chicago and others.



Healthcare, innovative medical solutions and well-being are crucial to our Foundation’s work.

We finance medical research, healthcare initiatives, and organizations that provide critical care to those in need.

We provide funding in Lithuania for the Trauma and Emergency Center of Kaunas Clinics as well as a number of American organizations: Ellen Hermanson Foundation, the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Eating Disorder Foundation, Northwell Health Foundation and others.

Social Welfare

Soacialinė gerovė

Our efforts address critical social needs facing vulnerable individuals and families.

We strive to create a more compassionate and inclusive world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Therefore, we work with organizations that provide essential services, resources, and opportunities to help people overcome challenges and achieve stability.

Some of our partners in Lithuania and the USA include: Social Center “Home of Holy Cross”, Caritas Homeless Center, Center for Combating Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings, Children’s Day Center “Raguvele”, Children’s Day Center “Akimirka”, Saint John’s Children, SOS Children’s Villages, the East Hampton Food Pantry, UNICEF, Children’s Gate to Learning.

Crisis Response

Reagavimas į krizes

When the world faces its greatest challenges, there are always those who help. For KFF, it is important to respond timely to what is happening in Lithuania and the world.

That is why one of the foundation’s priorities is to aid organizations that provide assistance in times of crisis.

Amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, KFF collaborates with Blue/Yellow, an organization providing non-lethal supplies to Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers. The Foundation also supports summer camps of the Ukrainian Centre in Vilnius for Ukrainian and Lithuanian children.


Throughout our foundation’s history, we have supported hundreds of organizations. Here’s a list of more of our recent grantees.