News & Stories

It was an honor to be recognized at this year’s Global Lithuanian Awards for our comittment to philanthropy at home and abroad.

Kazickas family residence welcomed youth empowerment visionaries

Dr. Joseph P. Kazickas and Alexandra Kazickas had a visionary mission to ensure a better future for youth...

The 25th anniversary celebration evening of the Kazickas Family Foundation

On October 19th, the Kazickas Family Foundation celebrated its 25th anniversary with a gala in Vilnius Town Hall.

More From the KFF

Vilnius Office Director’s U.S. Business Trip

Over the past month, our Vilnius Office Executive Director Domantė Greifenbergerytė traveled across the United States, with the primary goal of connecting with the Lithuanian diaspora, visiting diplomatic institutions, and strengthening relationships with our valued partners and grantees…

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KFF scholarships for KTU students

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) students with excellent academic records who participate in volunteering or charity activities were awarded incentive scholarships established by the Kazickas Family Foundation…

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