Grant Application Guidelines

The Kazickas Family Foundation provides general operating and project support to the areas that have significance to the family and its members. Grants are given mainly for Lithuanian causes and communities in Lithuania and the US. Only organizations that have 501(c)(3) status are eligible. KFF is not giving support to individuals.

Every application is part of an open competition. After reading all applications, KFF may select applicants for more in-depth review and request additional information as part of the continuing review process. KFF makes its decision based on the content of the Letter of Inquiry/Application form alone.

Organizations that are funded by KFF cannot apply for additional funds until they file an End of the Grant Report on past grants. This rule applies to all of the programs funded under the same 501(c)(3) number.

Organizations that are rejected may apply again by the next deadline, if they wish. KFF does not view applicants that have been declined in any adverse way. These applicants may request feedback on their proposals.

Get Started

To apply for funding from the Kazickas Family Foundation, please fill out this Google Form.

Good luck, and thank you for the work that you do to better the lives of Lithuanians at home and abroad!