Grant Information

We prioritize transparency and clarity in the grant-giving process. To ensure that all applicants understand our principles and procedures, we have established provisions for grant allocation that guide decision-making and help ensure support is directed towards initiatives aligning with our mission and values.

Below, you will find detailed information about funding criteria, the application process, and the responsibilities of KFF grantees. Our vision is not only to provide financial assistance but also to foster a collaborative and educational relationship with the organizations we support.


  1. The Kazickas Family Foundation does not commit to funding all requests for financial support. 
  2. The Foundation supports only non-profit organizations with grantee status, or 501(c)(3) status in the U.S., and does not provide financial assistance to individuals. 
  3. Depending on the specific organization’s needs and the size of the project or initiative, applications for support can be submitted for up to 5,000 euros, 5,000-10,000 euros, or more than 10,000 euros.
  4. Grant allocations from the annual budget are planned quarterly during Board meetings.
  5. An organization may receive a grant only once per calendar year, and only after they have reported on previously provided support.
  6. Organizations that have applied for support but did not receive it may request an explanation from the Foundation. 
  7. Our goal is not only to provide financial support and establish a continuous collaboration with grantees, but also to educate them on the principles of communication and partnership with charitable foundations.
  8. The organization is required to account for the provided funding by the specified date. They will be asked to complete an end-of-grant report, which the Foundation expects to be detailed and to present valuable activities carried out. 
  9. Although many projects and organizations will not be formally audited, Foundation staff may visit the grantee for a formal inspection. The foundation reserves the right to request additional information, meetings, or visits to the organization during the project implementation period.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us at