Investing in the future of Lithuania, at home & abroad.​
The Kazickas Family Foundation supports organizations that empower Lithuania’s current and future generations.

About the Kazickas Family Foundation

The Kazickas’ “Odyssey of Hope” brought our family to America – the new world of freedom, opportunity and prosperity in 1945, but we never forgot our heritage and homeland. As a family foundation, our mission is to support organizations in Lithuania and the diaspora that are working to create a better future for Lithuanians everywhere.

Areas of Focus

The Kazickas Family Foundation primarily supports nonprofit organizations working to advance the cause of Lithuanians, though we will at times support organizations working on unrelated causes around the world.

You can learn more about our focus areas below.

Youth Empowerment & Education

We strongly believe in the limitless potential of every child, and support organizations that directly or indirectly benefit youth in Lithuania and abroad.

Arts & Culture

KFF is dedicated to preserving and promoting Lithuanian arts and culture. We join initiatives that celebrate our rich cultural heritage, fostering a sense of cultural community and pride among Lithuanians globally.

Diaspora Engagement​

The Kazickas family remembers and cherishes their Lithuanian heritage, and we are committed to fostering strong connections within the Lithuanian diaspora across the globe.


Healthcare, innovative medical solutions and well-being are crucial to our Foundation’s work.

Social Welfare

Our efforts address critical social needs facing vulnerable individuals and families.

Crisis Response

When the world faces its greatest challenges, there are always those who help. For KFF, it is important to respond timely to what is happening in Lithuania and the world.

Foundation Facts

For the year ended December 31, 2023. Amount in U.S. dollars.


Organizations Supported


Annual Charitable Support


Lifetime Grants Awarded


Lifetime Charitable Support

Apply For Funding

The Kazickas Family Foundation provides once off and multi-year grants ranging from $1,000 to $100,000, focused on the core areas listed above. If you would like to apply for a grant, please use the button below to be taken to our grants page.

Latest News & Stories

Kazickų Šeimos Rezidencija Pasitiko Jaunimo Įgalinimo Vizionierius

Kazickas family residence welcomed youth empowerment visionaries

Dr. Joseph P. Kazickas and Alexandra Kazickas had a visionary mission to ensure a better future for youth... ...

KFF Honored at Global Lithuanian Awards

It was an honor to be recognized at this year’s Global Lithuanian Awards for our comittment to philanthropy at home ...
Kazickų Šeimos Fondo 25-Mečio Šventinis Vakaras

The 25th anniversary celebration evening of the Kazickas Family Foundation

On October 19th, the Kazickas Family Foundation celebrated its 25th anniversary with a gala in Vilnius Town Hall. ...

If you are lucky enough to be able to help one person in this life, then how lucky are you.

Joseph Kazickas

Support the KFF

Endowed with a $15M donation from our founders Joseph & Alexandra Kazickas in 1998, the KFF has been working to advance the cause of Lithuanians at home and around the world ever since. We pride ourselves in consistently receiving the highest recognitions for transparency, trustworthiness and impact. If you would like to support Lithuanian causes, we invite you to donate to the Kazickas Family Foundation, or directly to one of the vetted organizations we support.